Meet India’s Harnaaz Sandhu, Miss Universe 2021, who won the crown after a 21-year wait. HarnaazSandhu of India was crowned Miss Universe 2021 after quickly moving to the top of the trends list as hunting patterns grew. Punjab’s HarnaazSandhu competed in the 70th Miss Universe competition in Eilat, Israel, in 2021.
After beating Nadia Ferreira of Paraguay and LalelaMswane of South Africa, Harnaaz was awarded Miss Universe 2021. Before HarnaazSandhu, only two Indians had won Miss Universe actresses: SushmitaSen in 1994 and Lara Dutta in 2000.
HarnaazSandhu has gone to the top of the list of trendy motifs, piquing the curiosity of social media addicts eager to discover more about her.
Who is HarnaazSandhu?
Harnaaz Sandhu, a model representing Chandigarh, has already won multiple beauty pageants. Miss Diva 2021 and Femina Miss India Punjab 2019 were her titles. Harnaaz also qualified in the Femina Miss India 2019 pageant.
In Punjabi cinema, HarnaazSandhu has acted in YaaraDiyan Poo Baran and BaiJiKuttange. She is now seeking a master’s degree in public administration.
Harnaaz Sandhu obtained her schooling at Chandigarh’s Shivalik Public School. She is now pursuing her master’s degree at the Post Graduate Government College for Girls in Chandigarh. Her mother, RavinderSandhu, is a doctor. She presently works as a Senior Medical Officer at Sohana Hospital (SMO). Her father, Sandhu, is a real estate entrepreneur.
Harnaaz, a Punjabi, is motivated by her mother, who “overcame decades of sexism to become a prominent gynecologist and family leader.”
Harnaaz experienced childhood helping women’s health and menstrual hygiene at health communication with her mother, and she was motivated to help other women in the same way. Because she is painfully aware of the benefit her mother’s fights have bestowed upon her, Harnaaz is a strong advocate of female empowerment, particularly their constitutionally protected rights to education, work, and freedom of choice.