महाकाल लोक उज्जैन

उज्जैन के  महाकाल मंदिर का भक्तिमय  इतिहास सदियों पुराना है। महाकवि कालिदास और तुलसीदास की रचनाओं में महाकाल मंदिर व  अवंतिका  का उल्लेख है । माना  जाता है कि महाकाल…


How fast the government wants to grow on the new education policy can be gauged from this that Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself is addressing the Vice Chancellors of Universities,…

Unbelievable Points about Studying MBBS in Russia

Advanced Nation in Terms of Technology and Education Russia is not just an amazing country in terms of its beautiful locations, cities, and atmosphere but is also known as an…

Top business ideas for youth

Top Business Ideas in Nowadays the youth of our country wants to do their own business instead of working for someone else. Money is very important in life. Everyone comes…

Sex Education in India

In India, the importance of sex education is increasing and the government has given priority to the role of adult education in India. Also, there is a programme launched by…

Problems of Secondary Education in India

Generally, secondary education is the third level of education and includes up to the 10 th class. Secondary education level prepares the students for the higher secondary education i.e. 11…