कृष्ण को अर्जुन के तर्कों से सहानुभूति नहीं है। बल्कि, वह अर्जुन को याद दिलाते हैं कि उसका कर्तव्य लड़ना है और उसे अपने दिल की कमजोरी पर काबू पाने…
Category: Information
बैंक अधिकारी , क्लर्क ,की परीक्षा की तयारी कैसे करें
प्रति वर्ष , लगभग एक करोड़ उम्मीदवार बैंकिंग कार्मिक चयन संस्थान (आईबीपीएस) द्वारा आयोजित परीक्षाओं के लिए पंजीकरण करते हैं, जिनमें से 60-70% उम्मीदवार वास्तव में आईबीपीएस के अनुसार इसके…
भारतीय जनता पार्टी की ४ राज्यों में शानदार जीत
भारत की सत्तारूढ़ भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने देश भर में हिंदू राष्ट्रवादी राजनीति की शक्ति के संकेत में, चार महत्वपूर्ण राज्यों के चुनावों में जीत का परचम लहराया है। भाजपा…
Rights for Every Indian Woman
Women have been taught and rather confined to follow certain laws and regulations for as long as they can remember, such as staying indoors at night, not travelling alone, not…
Trends for Clean, Quiet and Unique House
Putting oneself in a negative light by comparing yourself to others is a certain way to be unhappy. It’s a guaranteed recipe for disaster. It serves no purpose other than…
Alternatives to Comparing Yourself to Others
Putting oneself in a negative light by comparing yourself to others is a certain way to be unhappy. It’s a guaranteed recipe for disaster. It serves no purpose other than…
Artificial Intelligence Examples in Our Daily Lives
Most people associate artificial intelligence (A.I.) with sci-fi films like Star Wars and Terminator, in which robots learn to think like humans. A.I. and machine learning may appear to be…
Nanotechnology is the study and development of ‘things’ on the atomic and molecular scale, such as substances and electronics. One billionth of a meter is a nanometre, which is ten…
Winter Superfoods For Healthy, Radiant, Hydrated Skin
Your eating choices have a significant influence on your energy levels and even on the appearance of your skin. Dietary decisions we make on a daily basis can make us…
How to Start a Small Business
You want to make sure you’ve made your decision before establishing a company, but you also understand that things will almost likely go wrong. To run a successful business, you…