In India, the importance of sex education is increasing and the government has given priority to the role of adult education in India. Also, there is a programme launched by the government named- National Adult Education Programme on the 2nds of October 1978. The aim behind the programme was to provide the adult education to the illiterate belonging to the age- 15 to 35 years. Adult education is emphasized all over the country.
The aim of sex education in India is to provide education to those who have lost the chance to gain education due to any reason. As it is said that education is the long term return and education is the ongoing process, it does not end just with the schools. Although, life is all about to develop and grow one’s life.
Since our country is democratic and education is the right of every human being and therefore, adult education in India has become the needs of society today. The role of adult education is not merely to eliminate illiteracy level but also adhere to eliminate the ill-health, unemployment and poverty.
Adult education is the part-time education and it has two types- formal education and informal education. Adult education in India has become the cherished goal itself because it strives for learning and development.
India is about to remark its goodwill in the subject matter of adult education as the Indian government is taking so many initiatives for the citizens to increase the level of adult education in India.
Today, it is believed that illiterate peoples live an inferior life. So to live a developed, growing and stress- free life one need to have education so that one can live his life decently and desirable way. If adults are not educated, then it might not be possible for India to be economically and socially developed. By the means of adult education, make your life worth and valued.