Women have been taught and rather confined to follow certain laws and regulations for as long as they can remember, such as staying indoors at night, not travelling alone, not working late, not making too many male friends, and so on. Women have become more aware and empowered, but they still require support and good implementation of laws to be stronger and safer in the world. Here are the legal rights that every Indian woman should be aware of to help them understand their rights and empower them against discrimination and exploitation.
The right to free legal assistance: When a woman goes to the police station, she is frequently disregarded or humiliated for her assertions. She should, however, be aware of her legal assistance rights, which are outlined in Section 12 of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
Equal pay rights: Gender-neutral legislation is now in effect. For the same labour, a man and a woman are entitled to equal compensation. The Equal Remuneration Act establishes a similar standard. It ensures that men and women are paid equally for doing the same or similar jobs. There will be no discrimination based on gender in terms of recruiting and working conditions.
Right to self-defence/private defence: It’s a retaliatory right. You may commit harm, serious harm, or even death in order to protect your body or perhaps another human’s body from the offender. However, you can only kill the aggressor without attracting accountability and penalty If you believe the aggressor is going to kill you or inflict you great bodily harm like rape, kidnapping, or abduction, you have the right to kill that person and the law will defend you.
Right to work without being harassed: The right against workplace harassment is the most crucial of all the essential rights indicated that every Indian woman should be aware of, especially if she is a career woman. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act of 2013 protects women from sexual harassment at work, as well as the prevention and redress of sexual harassment complaints and matters related to or incidental to them.
Right to maternity benefits: Maternity benefits should not be considered a privilege because they are covered by the Maternity Benefit Act of 1961. Every working woman has the right to a full paid leave of absence from work to care for herself and her child, allowing her to return to work. Any company with more than ten employees is required to observe this Act.