NEW TRAILER OF “Transformers: The Last Knight” | RELEASE DATE | REVIEW

Transformers The Last Knight trailer has been released. Wait for another movie of Michael Bay has come to end. It is an American Si- Fi action film, a fifth installation of Transformer film series.  

Battle story is all about wins of good over evil. Just like previous stories of the series, story is all about human race, English Lord, Oxford professor and Transformers.

Adventure, Action, Thriller, Science Fiction

Directed by:
Michael Bay, with Mark Wahlberg and Stanley Tucci

Shia Saide LaBeouf, Josh Duhamel,Stanley Tucci, Mark Wahlberg, Megan Fox and John Malkovich

Steve Jablonsky

Arizona, Michigan, Chicago, Detroit, Scotland, Wales, North Yorkshire Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumberland, London, England, Ireland, Preikestolen, Trolltunga, Norway and Hampshire

Industrial Light & Magic

Paramount Pictures is going to release Transformers: The Last Knight on June 23, 2017 in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D.

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