Half-Girlfriend Movie Trailer

Everyone needs some romance in his/her life now or tomorrow. Get ditched with your girlfriend. Oops.. Sorry with your Half-Girlfriend. Yes, your girl who is more than a girl, but not in love with you. Just you have to take a few hours for you-and-me time in theater seats as a movie with the same name is going to release in a month only. Half-Girlfriend, a fictional story written by author Cheten Bhagat will on the big screen in the month of May.

Half- Girlfriend, a story of romantic boy, Madhav Jha, badly in love with Riya Somani, belonging to a royal family. He studied in Hindi medium schools of Bihar but want to study in top St. Stephen college in Delhi. He doesn’t know what will happen to his English communication, but his heart has already been hacked during his basketball games by a super rich family girl, Riya. His whole life wanders around her. But Riya want to leave everything behind whoever or whichever hurt her back. The story tells how a poor Bihari boy will get over his lovely introvert girl.

Trailer of 2 min 4 Sec says all it. Shraddha Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor are not keeping any point to bring down fun in movie promotions. They are sharing thoughts, snapshots, trailers through Twitter, Instagram and other promotional social media.

Shraddha Kapoor is playing the role of rich girl, Riya and Arjun Kapoor is playing a Bihari boy. Direction is of Mohit Suri to make it turn into a romantic and a spicy movie with all confusion in the mind of Madhav for his love, “Half- Girlfriend”. Set your time to watch in your near by theater and the time is 19 May 2017.


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