Business Life: Boon or Bane?

Some says business people are those who want money and don’t want to work with their own. When they were younger called as lazy guy, but when grown up and making money they are called money maker or businessman with the same symptoms of laziness.

Making money is not a big issue for those who have minds of making money from money. Business man hardly has time after starting his business. Business’ mind takes all the time in planning to increase his pocket size. Some more elements of the life of a business person will be defined soon.

Business life is extremely, liberating, thrilling and extraordinarily rewarding, but no the other hand is really hard, stressful and exhausting. And sometimes even together. Business is not permanent. Nothing exists for permanent. Ups and downs in the business graph exist.

Business leaders provide flexible scheduling by offering half days, weekends off, leaves, remote works, allowance and others provide healthy, balanced and productive workforce in the office premise. Rewards and other benefits make human resource to stay even in a bad phase of the business life cycle. In turn, it helps in providing benefits to the company’s business.

It is a bane when business is down or the target is to work more than what 9AM to 5PM requires. To keep business above the marginal range requires more work for business people. One more reason to spend more time in office is expecting themselves as an authority person to complete a particular task.

Many business people can be found out having stress, insomnia and heart health issues. Lack of sleep indirectly target on ones healthy life.

As previously said, business people are in the business stream because they love their work, maybe not money. They love to develop business, expands to diverse area without limits. It requires and needs spending more time in the office to keep business moving.

In small business, stabling a balanced work life is not simple work. To grow the business more hard work is needed. It requires continuous work for hiring and retaining the best talent, maintaining finance storage and establishing ones company business in the market. It takes a lot of time, neither it is the task of business person only nor it is for management staff; group coordinated work of company people helps in achieving business target, even in the falling business.

Business people also have personal and social lives too. Business people maintain terms and conditions for the whole company to fulfill their personal happiness. It helps in prioritizing office work to bring time for fun too.

Every business has an aim, goal and target for the company. It has non-revenue generating tasks to be complete time to time basis. One is needed to keep an eye on it also. Outsourcing people is also the best way to minimize business people work load and maximizing personal time.

Technology advancement also too played its role in removing loads of paperwork. It helped in scheduling daily work through notification alerts and reminders for emails, events and meetings. Businessmen schedule their time, even for food and calls to their parents, wife, husband and kids.

If a person is good in business and want to show his creation and performance in his work than he/she tries not to hire other talented people in the market. Then it will require to share business work and profit with other talents. This, in turn, leads to no time for family and oneself. The time get used in planning to gain more profits, satisfying more clients and improving ones own performance and experience.Having talented workforce, businessmen and their staff get personal time off. One can even go for vacations in Goa. It helps a businessman to be on side of his family whenever it is needed.

Businessmen love their work and loved ones. One needs love in their life, time for meals, relaxation and hangouts. Personal and family life is not for fun only, both husband and wife take care of their young ones. They are the first people in their kids’ life for help in any circumstances like illness, school play, cultural activities, parent meetings in school, shopping for their favorite food, books, clothes and other household utilities.A businessman also has such life just as a normal man has; a life without an office. Industrialist has to manage his business life to deliver his best on both ends. They make schedules for their work to prioritize personal and family time.

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